A health company that aims to make
our customers smile today and always

To other companies
in the same industry
(outsourced development
and manufacturing)
To distributors
(for OEM and mail order)
Overseas operations


In order to comply with the most important laws, regulations, and social rules in conducting economic activities, we have established a Compliance Committee, led by the president, to discipline ourselves and to become a company that is trusted by society.

(1) In the spirit of "Three way satisfaction (good for everyone)," we respect the rights and obligations of our stakeholders and fulfill our social responsibilities.

(2) We will fulfill our social responsibility for the security, peace and happiness of the nation and its people.

As a company that contributes to life and health, we are aware of the social mission that is imposed on us, and we will strictly conduct ourselves with high ethical standards.

Business continuity plan (BCP)

Basic business continuity policy and disaster prevention management manual

This plan is a basic policy formulated to ensure the continuation and early recovery of our own business in the event of an emergency (such as a major earthquake) so as not to affect the business of our suppliers and the lives of their employees.(Established on December 25, 2012)

In addition, we have prepared a disaster prevention management manual (enacted July 1, 2013), and all employees are working daily to ensure that they are prepared, fully understand their roles so that they can act quickly and calmly in the event of a disaster.

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